Sunday, July 12, 2015

United In Faith by Gabriel Quijas

We are lead to think that all Muslim folks are the enemy. Many in America think this. It is not based on logic, it is based on those that spread hate. From the Pulpit to the radio broadcasts, we have hate speech, words that are used to keep us divided from each other. Words that are utterly false. Trumped up by people that wear a Cloak Of Faith, but are truly unholy people. Our leaders allow this type of speech, because it pushes their agenda of division. A people that are divide can never be united against us should be the motto of Congress. 

The last six months in America has shown us all that racial divide is living well in America. From the Police murdering innocent citizens of all color and faiths, to our own people doing the same thing. It is not rich people that are being murdered, it same story time and again, the middle class to the mentally ill street person. From the Wealthy like Pamela "The Great Divider" having draw the Prophet Muhammad cartoons, to Donald Trump's offensive remarks about Mexican's. 

Throw in the heated debate about a Rebel Battle Flag, and the situation turns ugly real fast. From murders, to hate crimes, to the unthinkable act of burning down Houses Of Worship. I had thought the times of the burning hatred in America was long gone. The days of "Burning Mississippi" were long gone. Yet sadly those days live long and strong within some peoples hearts and minds. Several African American churches have burned down to nothing but empty ashen embers.

Not every church was stuck by lighting and caught fire. Most of these have been set a flame by people of hate. People that will claim Jesus Christ as their savoir, but these people are nothing like Christ, they do not follow the teachings of Jesus, nor do they respect Jesus since their actions are anti Christ like. To follow Christ you must be a person of love, a person that would not cause pain and suffering. To burn a house of worship, because the people that go into that place of worship are not that same skin tone as you, is just doing the work of the devil.

While the enemies of Christ have been working hard to turn houses of worship into piles of rubble, some other folks have stepped up to the plate. Faatimah Knight 23, has lead a young group of Muslims on a crowdfunding campaign. The goal is to raise $50,000 during the holy month Ramadan. Now the original goal was only going to be $10,000 but after only 12 hours they surpassed the original goal. In fact so many people donated in such a short amount of time, it almost crashed the LaunchGood servers. 

Are we still going to continue to buy into the Anti Muslim tagline? If these youngsters have it figured out, why are the adults still clinging to the mind sets of the old? All people of Faith will come to the help of other people of faith. While the people that burn down churches are Terrorists too, the people that will rebuild them are people of God no matter what denomination they choose. As I write this these awesome Muslims have raised over $70,000 to help rebuild the Churches that have been burned down by hate mongers. Together we can stand as one, no matter whom we pray to or do not pray to.

Not all photos are recent. Some are from way back in the past.

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