Monday, July 6, 2015

Beef by Gabriel Quijas

Sometimes I still think this is all a nightmare. I keep thinking that we are stuck in a time loop of ignorance. I would of thought by 2015 most of America would still not have beef with each other. Now I am not talking about breaking bread with each other. Not even with a side of garlic mashed potato's, nor with a healthy portion of peach pie.


I am talking about street side beef. The type that leads to many dead and wounded by gunfire. This July 4th 2015 we were under the treat of Terrorist Operations. It was a all Officer On Deck type threat. Sadly the biggest threat to America this weekend was our own people. We keep killing our own, more than the Terrorist do. History is always going to repeat itself, unless the population is uplifted with knowledge. 

If we did not kill each other, if we did not continually hate each other, to be envious of each other, would could all do remarkable things. Instead we fight over the same blocks that are own by the "Man". Even the wealthy do not own this Nation. They would be put in place if they ever dared to question the "Man". We form drug gangs to attain wealth that leads to disaster. The wealthy attain wealth and fill their stomachs with greed, and mostly it also leads to disaster. 

The "Man" stands over us laughing. He makes the bullets that get thrown out into the cold heartless nights, killing, maiming, and devastating families. Laughing while the Nation gives food away to far off lands, but our people are starving on the streets. Absurd laws that lets good food to be placed in dumpster to fill up our garbage abominations. 

We need true leaders that have experienced the hard times, not the ones that never had to worry about the power being cut off. The kind that lived on those shitty hard noodles in a cup. If you never had to go to a food locker or Church to get some food to survive on, then you have no idea how it is to be poor, or even harder to live on the cruel streets of America.

I dream of a America that would not tolerate seeing a fellow human starving on the streets. Nor a America that would allow a huge homeless population filled with Veterans and the Elderly. We should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing any of this happen ever. How can we compare ourselves to an Nation on the Earth, when our own people are so displaced across the land. How can we be the Leader of the World when we neglect our own?

We are no longer the best, because we turn our back on our own, we murder our own, we are so far from being United that it is laughable. We fight over a flag that is offending to some and history to others. We actually fist fight, and have shot at each other over a flag. We have cops killing innocent folks, out of control Terrorist destroying lives and the real history of mankind. Yet we are distracted by these stupid deadly beefs.

I have no answers for myself or anyone else..........

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